My beliefs about women, and birth, that ground me in my work
I have beliefs about pregnancy, labor and birth, as does anyone who works with birthing couples. I feel it is important to share these feelings and biases as they affect the way in which I teach my classes.
I believe that women are strong and capable.
I believe that pregnancy, labor and birth are basically normal life events.
I believe that birth is not only a physical event but also a sexual, emotional, social, and spiritual event.
I believe that women innately know how to give birth but that they must allow themselves to get in touch with this part of themselves.
I believe that introspection, guidance, support and reassurance are important parts of this process.
I believe that women and their partners have the capability to find the best way to labor and birth their babies.
I believe that women and their partners have inner strengths and resources they may not be aware of and I hope to help them find those as they will be important in the birth process.
I believe that medical care is a vital component of a safe birth – prenatally, as well as during the labor and delivery. This care may be received from both midwives and physicians.
I believe that just as a woman’s body knows how to grow a baby it will know how to birth a baby.
I believe that there is a time and a place for medical procedures in the labor and birth process – in specific labors and births that require them – not in ALL births.
I believe that it is important that pregnant couples have trust in their caregivers. This trust is formed when all parties are equal in the relationship. Confidence, integrity, responsibility, reliability, caring, and faith are important components of this trusting relationship.
I believe that decisions about your pregnancy, labor and birth should be made by you as a couple with input and recommendations from the medical caregivers. Just as you trust them, they should trust your ability to make appropriate decisions for you and your baby.
I believe that just as physicians usually approach birth from a medical standpoint, parents usually approach birth from an emotional and intensely personal standpoint. Both are important and should carry the same weight.
I believe that childbirth educators and labor support doulas are an important part of the health care team. I believe that each labor and birth are special and should be treated in an individual, special way.
It is a privilege to work with you during this most important life event. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do so.